Saturday, January 2, 2010

New Years

Well it is finally a New Year I can not believe that another year has already come and gone. I am going to strive harder to keep my blog updated in a more timely manner. All in all we have had a great Holiday Season. The kids have had a great Winter Break they have played with the toys that they recieved for Christmas and their has not been too many fights. I am really looking forward to Monday I can not wait to get back on a scheduale and have the kids back in school I am okay with them being out for long periods of time when they can go outside and get some of the energy out but being cooped up in the house is just about enough to make me screem. I think that it is time for me to Sign off for the time being. I will try and update every couple of weeks on what is going on. Until then have a wonderful day.

Thanksgiving & Christmas

Well We move on to Thanksgiving and Christmas. I have to say that the pumpkin carving was a huge hit. So when Spencer suggested that we decorate gingerbread houses on Thanksgiving. Our Thanksgiving was not the traditional Thursday meal. My brother had to be at the fire station on Thanksgiving Day. We had our dinner on Wednesday night instead, it was very fun we ate and then the kids decorated their houses. When the kids were all done then the adult kids took their turn. It was very intresting to see the different ways in which they were decorated. I think that their personalities and jobs came out in the way they decorated the houses. On Thanksgiving day we took our family to a movie I was shocked at how few people were out that afternoon.
For Christmas my mom and her brothers decided to give my grandma an entertainment center so that she will not have to worry about anyone breaking her tv. They could not find any that looked good enough for her to put it in her house. So Mark told my mom that he would build one and they could give it to her. So him and the kids took on the task of getting it done and put together and then we took it to Castle Dale to her family Christmas Party. I have attached pictures of the process and the completed project for you to look at. We also got a family picture taken for our Christmas Cards this year.

On Christmas Eve Santa came to the house. He had all of the kids sit on his lap and tell him what they wanted him to bring them for Christmas Eve. He then had them sit down in front of him and told them that if they didn't go to bed and do everything that their mom and dads told them to then he would fly right over they house.


Well I guess I need to catch up on my blog, so we will go back to October. We all had a great time on Halloween, my brother in law suggested that we all carve pumpkins so all came to moms house (all 15 of us) and we each had our own pumpkin. If you can picture it we had seven kids carving pumpkins (with some adult supervision.) When all the kids were done then the adults did theirs. We had such a great time. After we had all of the pumpkinscarved then we got dressed up for halloween and went to the annual Trunk or Treat at my mom and dads church hous. The kids made a haulling. To round off the night Mark, Myself and the kids went to some friends house to assist in the Haunted back Yard. The kids did a little trick or treating in the neighborhood and then home to bed. I have added some pictures to show you how much fun we had.

Here are some of the finished product.

Marg and Homer

Marg and Homer

With Mickey

With Mickey