Saturday, November 22, 2008


Well we are back !!
I can not believe how fast vacation flies. It seems like we were just their.

It was so nice is southern Cal. The weather was so warm that it felt like June instead of November. We had so much fun.

We spent five days in Disneyland and California Adventures. And then we spent two days at Universal Studios.

The kids absolutely loved it and they were so excited to be their that they just wanted to do everything the first day.

Skyler was so excited that he could ride Grizzly Rapids in California Adventure that the boys rode it about fifteen time during the whole trip. They just kept going on it over and over they were so wet and their clothes were so heavy when they got off that the first day we had to go back to the hotel and change their clothes. The rest of the time I got smart and took extra clothes with us.

Bycen just liked the fact that he could ride almost every ride in Disneyland and he could ride Jurassic Park , the Mummy and the Simpson's ride at Universal Studios. He also likes the roller coasters at Disneyland. He is turning into his dad and his Idea of a good vacation is to eat at a different restaurant every meal.

Nykole was so excited to see all the characters and she absolutely had to love on all of them. She hugged them and loved on them and talked to them. She even waived at them on all the parades and every time one of them would pass us. Her next favorite part was that they have put Tinkerbell's home in Disneyland and she got her picture taken with two of the fairies and Tinkerbell.

We are glad to be home and have decided to not plan another trip unitl all of the additions to California Adventures have been completed in a couple of years.

Saturday, November 1, 2008


Well it has come and gone again. I am a true fan of Halloween. It is really crazy, when you go to the store to get a costume. I had to stand in the costume isle for thirty min. just waiting for the boys to pick out what they wanted to be. I think that when I finaly said you have until I count to five then you will not go, they decided that they would hurry and choose.

Well last night Mark took the kids around the neighborhood and they got a huge loot. Then we went to grandmas and had pictures taken with the cousins. The kids are also getting way excited to leave for our trip. I will post pictures soon of halloween I just need to find the cutes ones that I have

Till later

Marg and Homer

Marg and Homer

With Mickey

With Mickey