Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Getting Settled

Well it has been a while since I have updated my blog. I am very sorry it has taken me so long, but a lot has been going on. We have moved out of our home and are living with my mom and dad for a little while. The economy has hit the construction business and Mark has had little to no work. Currently he is in Wyoming working. He goes up on Monday morning and comes home on Friday night. That makes living with the family a good thing for me so I am not alone all the time. The kids are loving the fact that they get to be at grandmas 24/7. It is a little rough to get them to settle down and go to bed at a regular time every night but it is still new so it will take a little getting used to. Brycen finished the 3rd grade and is going to be in the 4Th, and Skyler is going to be a big 1st grader I can not believe it. Nykole is going to start her second year of preschool in the fall and is so excited. We have no major plans for any summer vacations since Mark will be out of town most of the summer. But their is a lot to do around home so maybe we will get to show the kids some of Utah and a little more of the Salt Lake History. Not much more info from this end until later.

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